Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Destroy the Health Care System ... Vote Yes to Obama's Destructulus

Seniors to Receive Rationed Health Care ...
Where is the dem loving AARP now. You stupid idiots. Here is your, and our, future. Thanks for destroying the republic, which once aspired to greatness in everything, and is now becoming a socialist nightmare.

...If the Obama administration’s economic stimulus bill passes the Senate in its current form, seniors in the U.S. will face similar rationing. Defenders of the system say that individuals benefit in younger years and sacrifice later...

Monday, February 9, 2009

A List of Grievances Against This Corrupt Government

Don't Know What I am talking About - Read Here - The Declaration of Rights and Grievances Submitted to the British by the American Colonies

1. Allowing a congressional pay raise during a time of supposed economic catastrophe.

(I think there are about 3 people that read this blog, but if you have a grievance, legitimate and specific, list it in the comments)

Tea for Two, or Three ... or .... a Million?

Looking For a Way to Make a Statement About the Porkulus Bill ... Agrippa Has an Idea .... check it out!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Time for Talk is Over ... The Time for Action Has Come ... Join the Resistance

Join Up Now - Quit Whining and Start Doing Something

The Spending Bill is not just bad it is horrific ... click on the headline and do something ....

Or do something on some other site, but get off your ass, turn off the TV and get involved. Everybody Fights, Nobody Quits ....

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Time Has Come ...

When this trash of a spending bill passes in any form remotely like the current one (i.e. that doesn't include large rebate checks for tax payers to help the economy NOW)) every tax payer that owes taxes on their return should just not file, only the ones that will get something back. Screw them and their congessional pay raises and lack of paying taxes. They are not the damn U.S. royalty. It has come to this, it is time for a revolt. Let them throw millions of us in jail or whatever, let them come and try to take our stuff. I am serious ... screw them and screw this. This is no longer funny, we are being ruled over, not governed by consent. If we don't stand up now, when do we ...?

I have had it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

U.S. Soldier Counsels Iraqi Police (caution very strong language)

yes the paint is coming off the walls.

Change We Can Believe In ... or Something Like That ...

Instead of the "Obama bankrupt the country" plan ... let's just give every taxpayer $5,000 and let us spend it how we want. Down payment on a home, a car ... and watch the economy take off ... Wolverine

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do Any Democrat Politicians Pay Taxes?

I guess the new patriotism (remember Joe Biden) is not to pay taxes. While the rest of us in the real world pay ours, the people on fantasy island do not. Maybe the rest of us should take a tax holiday.

With the money now being allocated for the stimulus bill, I saw one estimate that they could give every tax payer (or maybe household) in America about $5,800. Now that would stimulate the economy, but then they would have no control over that money in financing a liberal agenda. If the politicians in this country are going to pass some kind of a plan, and if they give a tinker's d%mn about the people, give the money to the people.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Al Qaeda Leadership Decimated

AQ Reeling From Air Strikes

Now that the election is over the truth can be told. Bush was getting it done.